Tag Archives: poetry


Anoth­er year of won­der we receive
To cher­ish the moments grand and small
From gold­en sun­rise to rose-hued eve
In brisk­est win­ter and mel­low­est fall

From moun­tains to seas, from twi­light to day,
May you always have a light to lead the way.

The Arcane

The sweet scent of a warm pinewood staff
Reach­es into the depths of obsid­i­an eve
Past the qui­et cas­cade of heat and light
From a dying bon­fire’s wax and wane

Beneath the weep of the vast wil­low trees,
Beyond earshot of the bat’s shrillest cry,
In a land as ancient as mil­len­nia past,
A gath­er­ing of old souls comes at last

Slow­ly approach the trav­ellers of the netherworld,
Sil­hou­et­ted by the crim­son haze of a fire’s last embers,
Shroud­ed in black, heads bowed with parch­ment in hand,
Hold­ing staves bear­ing old graven runes of power.

Out from the clouds comes moon­light’s soft kiss,
From vel­vet skies shines pure, radi­ant beauty,
And for a moment in time, Silence is crowned king
As beasts pause to lis­ten to the strange folk at hand.


Tonight, an eve so wreathed by beauty
Cast in moon­lit pitch of the heights above
So gaze on high and see the shadows …
Give your­self to the unqui­et side

Dip and swoosh in the moon’s hap­py wake, in a cot­ton can­dy sky
Nip and tease of sharp Decem­ber’s air, swirling as it may

Tonight we go as high as ever
Tonight in snow, as strong as ever
Tonight in peace, as slick as ever
Tonight in dream, as qui­et as ever
Tonight in love, to be young forever

Today was learned by those who listened
By those who loved, who threw me their hearts,
By those who ate the uni­verse and felt its savour,
Don’t you feel its whis­pers in you?

Today was won in amber melodies
By the glow­ing can­dles and a min­strel’s touch,
By the gut­tur­al notes of a war­rior’s song,
Don’t you hear her call­ing your name?

And here I hear her sil­very voice
Bind­ing all that is and will be,
At once the death and birth of the soul
In even this one moment bright,

Just …

And the caress of the night –
Whose touch will always be welcome.


As I stand on a lofty hill
Look­ing to the night sky
Leagues away from the dig­i­tal flame
Of civ­i­liza­tion’s call
Stars above and earth below,
Frost­ed trees all around
You will be in my heart,
My mind,
My joy,
And my respect.


The warmest kiss
A gift of bliss
Burn­ing away the scars
A blessed key
A dream of thee
An echo of your eyes


Dis­em­bod­ied, lost and lonely
Drift­ing soft­ly among the mist
Liv­ing again your final moments
When death your sweet lips had kissed

You slipped away through shad­ows fair
And in the taint­ed respite, laid bare
To walk through the ether not know­ing why
To relive your hor­ror as the ages pass by

When you crossed that gos­samer shroud
Did you see the old gate­keep­er’s eyes,
Cau­ter­ized by age, see­ing through time?
Solemn shade is he, not here nor there
Writ­ing your name in stone as you left it behind.

How you crum­bled in that tri­al by fire,
To swim over the sea of despair
Dredge through musty chambers
And drown in warm star­lit tides

Fad­ing away from embers
Sparks are born and die
Ash­es wash up on a dis­tant shore
Have you ever won­dered why?

Whence fled those emo­tions, love
That graced a coun­te­nance fair
Brought light to dimmest shadows
And hope to a mind in despair?

Tis gone! you speak now in hol­low tones
As cold winds assail me and rat­tle my bones.

One time your eyes I glimpsed at last
For­ev­er haunt­ed by the empti­ness they cast
In naught but long­ing for answers and life
So my hopes crum­bled before your strife

It was for­ev­er and a day since then
But here we both final­ly stand
On ashen shores of a twi­light world
Lost and lone­ly, hand in hand.


There once was cru­el­ty’s relent­less firebrand
Pur­su­ing you through those sad­den­ing years
As you did cross with time that ocean of fears
Fright­ened, sub­merged, search­ing for land

Tran­si­tion and knowl­edge, wis­dom from pain
You’ve sur­vived and risen to the sur­face again

To look on you now, so lus­cious and bright
Pleas­ant and warm with intel­lect sublime
Pris­tine and gor­geous, untouched by time
Swirling and laugh­ing, danc­ing in light

This is the moment that for so long I yearned
Shim­mer­ing flu­id joy, sweet truths learned

Walk­ing the elec­tron cat­a­comb, we’ve real­ized love
Strong­hold of con­fes­sion and pas­sion, behold
A land where noth­ing grows for­got­ten or old
Words on white screens bright­en dark skies above

Down a rab­bit hole I tum­bled, to old Wonderland
Where the Cheshire cat extend­ed her hand

What once was but dream is now that dream come true
I am lost in your eyes, their soft steel blue
Our meet­ing no coin­ci­dence, this pas­sion no lie
Sil­ver wings to the free! From now on, we fly …

Unspoken, Unknown

Gaz­ing upon the poi­soned past,
To see the source of so many troubles
Look­ing out to the desires of old
Who but for truth would have been forever

I wished for eter­ni­ty for just so long
A want of com­mit­ment, born out of fear
Each love was a bird alight with feath­ers of dust
But each fell too soon, long in its dying song

In time I saw Love was not the ene­my at the gate
In time the truth came out, earned by time and pain
Of loss and mis­placed faith, of love wrought to die

As the sun tread sheared trails of red in evening air
I saw with­in me the trap of vic­ar­i­ous confidence –
The ene­my unspo­ken, its face ’til now unknown.

Never Forever

Scat­ter these ash­es in the moonlight
Cold cin­ders float amongst the waves
With­in sight of ship, land, and waterfall
The mon­u­ment of gran­ite stands on an island small
Soli­tary reminder, a half-cable from shore.

Let me come with you on your mid­night voyage
Look to your aged sails, and then unto the stars
If you lis­ten close­ly now, you may even hear
The songs in the wind, so sweet and desolate

… Laments of the lover for those lost and found
… Bal­lads of nights when warm spir­its abound
… Shanties for gold-laden ships run aground

In the sap­phire par­adise of this cold autumn night
Falling asleep on sandy shores, bathed in dying firelight

You have final­ly found solace and hope


There once was a man of wit and armour bright,
Who always swore to love and pro­tect the light.
He boast­ed hon­esty and strength to give,
Promised delight wher­ev­er he did live.

After much time, the most bril­liant star he found,
Gor­geous blue and sil­ver, yet he want­ed her bound.
So he took her deep to an under­ground cave,
In a prison of teth­ers, and made her the slave.

Alas and alack, his truths unspun as lies,
Such is the way in which feigned hon­our dies!
His love bore jeal­ousy, his warm smiles hid ice,
As he let rust the armour and lashed out thrice.

But the star, glow­ing of hope, would not be held down.
One moon­lit night she escaped in a long onyx gown,
And when next eve came, the man checked her prison,
But lo and behold, a new star had risen.

There­after he was enshrined in orbs of shame.
For upon real­iz­ing the antics of the deceit­ful game,
That his armour was ruined and his charm in decay,
The man fell before the gods in fear, to pray.

But old Cronus was nev­er one to dab­ble in fate,
He keeps per­fect time in nei­ther love nor hate.
And Hecate’s wis­dom had been fool­ish­ly burned,
For the man eas­i­ly for­gets what he had learned.

His­to­ry’s les­son for lessons is thus­ly known:
Some lessons we can only learn on our own,
Some prob­lems are bet­ter solved on our own.
There are no mag­ic elixirs nor heal­ing wand,
Only time, strong will, and a reflect­ing pond.

When the Sparks Die

What shall hap­pen when the sparks die, love,
And our tears stand only for sweet memories?

What shall hap­pen when the birds are silenced, love,
And no more ring the notes of nature’s sweet­est song?

What shall hap­pen when they cry for us, love,
And the liv­ing her­ald our end in for­lorn throng?

What shall hap­pen when the skies mourn us, love,
And the rains of remem­brance have start­ed to freeze?

Is this the end, or the begin­ning again?
A quaint adven­ture in a soft star­lit land,
Refresh­ing and peace­ful through mead­ow and fen,
So weep no more, love, and take my hand.


The faster comes the explosion
The bold­er shall be the lie
The fur­ther go fool­ish notions
The soon­er shall love die

Fireside Meditation

Wish you were here
to share in this moment,
spicy aro­ma of pine in the air
com­fort­ing warmth from with­in a hearth
bil­lion blue dia­mond stars above our heads
wisps of cloud amongst whis­per­ing winds
morn­ing fog descend­ing with the final snowflakes
crisp white ground all around us
the crack­le and sput­ter of a near­by fire
as we sit on snow-capped tree stumps
mov­ing in flu­id conversation
away from all that hurts
away from all that nev­er mattered
alone togeth­er and jubilant
clear and free
face to face
… timeless
and beautiful.


It was a day unlike the others
Where flesh was law at night
With no rea­son for reason
No focus but ourselves

Teem­ing with lust and power
We burned our innocence
And trea­sured its ashes
Like a song so distant

There are no regrets now
No mid­dle road to seek
Only pas­sion’s iron hold
Poignant, unbreak­able, jovial

Two bod­ies mov­ing as one
Tongue on flesh, tongue inside
Squirm­ing, minds whirling ever faster
Released, reju­ve­nat­ed, so aware

Sparks and explo­sion in our bodies
Fly­ing high to the high­est peaks
Realms of ecsta­sy undimmed by time
Set free by pain and plea­sure’s touch

It was a moment like no oth­er, this love
Indeli­ble and sweet, a mem­o­ry to keep.

In time I’ll stand in a dis­tant place
Below the stars, remem­ber­ing fond­ly that eve
When we burned our innocence
And trea­sured its ashes.

Two Wings Indivisible

Two opales­cent birds of stone
Fleet of wing, so light­ly flown,

Breath­ing cop­per in Apol­lo’s sky
Mark­ing the place of he who died;

For once he flew but now has rest,
In jaden grip his corpse is dressed;

Those steel wings threw fire and fume,
But only doves can repair those plumes;

Marked below by wormy silence,
Marked above with frozen violence –

One sol­dier,
One stone,
Two wings,


Seven Words

You’re one who for so long I wished to final­ly meet,
A liv­ing dream? you asked, and hence I agreed.
Beau­ti­ful you thought me as I thought you: the
Per­son shar­ing so many of my thoughts. But
Inside one con­ver­sa­tion, sev­en words in me you drove deep,
And they, which no oth­er ever spoke, final­ly let me speak:
Out with poi­soned past! For at last I feel true.