Category Archives: Writing > Poetry > 2012

Writ­ing > Poet­ry > 2012


A mariner weath­er­ing the elec­tron seas
Course wrought by sweat and perseverance,
Wreathed in mid­night’s finest solitudes
and the soft rus­tle of char­coal cloth,

To live the adven­ture of these hal­cy­on days,
Des­tined to coa­lesce as tomor­row’s memory.

Let us now lift a glass in remembrance
Of not the seed that failed to bear fruit,
But the tree which spread its branch­es wide
To embrace the heav­ens in all their glory.


I am your songbird,
My voice to uplift you on gos­samer wings
Car­ry­ing this dream past starlight and dawn
Your bosom the nest where­in I soft­ly croon,

My refuge, my muse, my lady and light
Ten thou­sand lives could not sur­pass you
Entwined with­in me, your spir­it­ed strength,
This night our domin­ion to kin­dle the bond

Con­nect­ed and safe, I feel new hopes thrive
Ascend these sil­ver feath­ers and kiss the sun,
Tak­ing to earth the pearl of Helios’ hearth
To sink its radi­ance deep in our hearts

From the void’s dolor­ous bel­fry this morn,
One less choir voice cries in anguish
As the heart lets go, embraces desire
And flies on the wings of a bird.