Category Archives: News


Raccoon Rumble

Ear­li­er this week, I came home from work late one night only to bear wit­ness to one of the most amaz­ing spec­ta­cles I’ve seen in a long time: a fam­i­ly of rac­coons out on the town for a night of fun and mayhem.

At first I noticed a noise in one of the bush­es out­side my house, and when this prompt­ed me to take a look, I quick­ly dis­cov­ered a pair of adult rac­coons wrestling one anoth­er in the midst of a large mud pud­dle in a near­by vacant lot. Hav­ing real­ized they were being watched, they quick­ly broke it up and went back to scav­eng­ing for food.

It was­n’t long before they were at it again, this time in a tree! A round of loud chit­ter­ing and squeal­ing broke the silence, this time going on for quite some time, so I grabbed my cam­era and flash­light and head­ed for the source of the noise. What fol­lowed are two of the most fas­ci­nat­ing videos I’ve cap­tured in ages.

I should also add that despite my first impres­sions, the rac­coons’ actions seem to con­vey some­thing more along the lines of horse­play, play-fight­ing, or at most, estab­lish­ing the peck­ing order. These lit­tle guys don’t seem to be caus­ing each oth­er any harm, but damn can they crank up the volume!

This has been one of the many rea­sons I love Vic­to­ria: the wildlife is extreme­ly abun­dant here, and if you look hard enough, there’s always some­thing cool going on.


(Lyrics for this song can be found here.)

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OK, so this week I final­ly had some time online and man­aged to update my design port­fo­lio. The cap­tions are still in the works even as I write this, but oth­er­wise the sec­tion is finished.

I’ve also put the Prometheus bicy­cle trail­er project files at the top because of the requests I’ve got­ten about it. There’s still a lot of stuff I have on the go IRL, but when I do get the time to do it, I’m con­sid­er­ing re-shoot­ing that string of videos and doing a prop­er pro­duc­tion work-up for YouTube.

Stay tuned!

Moar kitteh.

For any­one who’s ever won­dered what kind of cat I live with, here are a cou­ple of moments in a typ­i­cal day:


She loves to curl up in bed at night …


Oth­er times, Clover sur­pris­es me when I get home after work. These are the new hair­ball elim­i­na­tion treats we’ve been test­ing. As you can see, THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS … so much so that she can’t wait for me to bring out the bag, so she tried to open it herself!

Foamy’s Return

Spring is here … and with that, so is my squir­rel! Today I final­ly caught some good snap­shots of her eat­ing the food that the birds left on the ground. She’s also grown quite a bit since last autumn.


There are also some tell-tale signs that she may not be alone any longer, but may in fact be nurs­ing a lit­ter of babies (look at the third pic­ture and note the dis­tend­ed nip­ples). With that in mind I’ll be keep­ing an eye out for the lit­tle ones, too, once they arrive.

I’m going to have an over­load of cute­ness in my back yard this summer!

Opening Week at Beacon Hill Park

Now here’s some­thing to cel­e­brate … as of Fri­day, the pet­ting zoo opened its gates to the pub­lic for this sea­son. Yes­ter­day, I was in the area and so was able to catch the tail end of the day’s events (sans goats since as I was too busy explor­ing at the time to keep snap­ping pic­tures). Then, all of a sud­den, I found myself at the fringes of the lines for the goat stam­pede as clos­ing time hit. So while it was a bit of a short day, I had a great time out there and can’t wait to see more as the year goes on. The new baby goats should be out soon, too — as of yes­ter­day, they were still hud­dled in heaps under their heat lamps in the barn.

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Geology Tour of lower Victoria and Sooke

For some years now, I’d been long­ing to go on a fresh adven­ture and take a geol­o­gy tour in an inter­est­ing place. Last week­end I was final­ly able to go, thanks to a friend who invit­ed me along on one of theirs. We end­ed up explor­ing a swath of land across the low­er Vic­to­ria region, which encom­pass­es an unusu­al vari­ety of meta­mor­phic rock that’s been through not one but three sep­a­rate sub­duc­tion cycles over the course of its life­time. Besides this we also looked at var­i­ous basaltic pil­low lavas and stra­ta along the coast­line, some con­glom­er­ates, and some bare­ly devel­oped sandstones.

The views were stun­ning, and the mer­ci­less lash­ings of the wind and rain left us with an after­noon to remem­ber — I went home wet, as did quite a few of the oth­ers. Over­all, the day was a good expe­ri­ence, for despite the rain leav­ing us wet the wel­come enlight­en­ment by our sur­round­ings cre­at­ed its own kind of sub­tle joy with­in the psyche.

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My kitteh says BLEEEEEEEH!

Clover sticking out her tongue

Clover stick­ing out her tongue

In oth­er words, it’s time to test out the CMS, get things going, and start get­ting some con­tent uploaded!

So it begins.



I was using sparklers for this shot, some­thing that was beau­ti­ful­ly cap­tured by the cam­era as the time lapse went on. In the future, I’d like to end up doing some trick shots using steel wool, fire poi, and oth­er mate­ri­als for bet­ter effect. There is also a back­lit beach fire scene I have in mind that would be fun to assem­ble some­day (but it’s total­ly going to take sev­er­al peo­ple to cre­ate it).

On the sub­ject of steel wool time lapse pho­tos, this video by anoth­er YouTu­ber explains the process in depth (along with the oblig­a­tory fiery eye candy):

State of the Domain

First off, to any­one that sent me an e‑mail over the past month, it seems that a few were eat­en by the serv­er between main­te­nance cycles. Appar­ent­ly there was a spool­ing error which has since been sort­ed out, so if you did­n’t receive a response, please re-send as needed!

And now for some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent … pho­tos of the ongo­ing jour­ney, and some thoughts on the future of this domain.


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New Horizons

I’ve final­ly moved to the coast!

I’ll give the long ver­sion of things in a moment, but first, here’s a roundup of some of the high­lights on the road to my new home:


And now, my tale in a nutshell …

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