Auditory Flashbacks: Icon of Coil, VNV Nation

I’ve been busy as of late, albeit occu­pied with a lot of things IRL and not online as much. I real­ize it’s been a while since my last arti­cle here, so in the spir­it of keep­ing the beat going, here’s a music post.

Tonight we have select songs from Icon of Coil and VNV Nation. Crank that vol­ume knob way up high, and enjoy …

Regret // lyrics here.

Every­thing // lyrics here.

Floorkiller // lyrics here.

Shel­ter // lyrics here.

For­mer Self // lyrics here.

Chrome // lyrics here.

Neme­sis // lyrics here.

Hon­our // lyrics here.

Tomor­row Nev­er Comes // lyrics here.

Con­trol // lyrics here.

Beloved // lyrics here.

The Far­thest Star // lyrics here.

Car­ry You // lyrics here.

And last but not least, anoth­er peren­ni­al favourite of mine to round out tonight’s post:

Stand­ing Still // lyrics here.

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